- The glazed area adopts the assembly line operation mode. Six robots are arranged, including four 6-axis robots with 10kg load, one 4-axis robot with 180kg load, and a SCARA robot with dragging teaching function.
- Production of 600 standard toilet / 8 hours, to achieve multi-model hybrid production, highly automated, spray glaze production line can automatically complete the glazing, cloth glaze, spray white glaze, spray self-cleaning glaze, rub the end of the process.
- There are five automation systems in the world, including: glazed pre-storage billet and robot glaze system, sprayed glaze automation logistics and storage system, kiln firing porcelain system, post-porcelain automated logistics and storage system, sorting System, intelligent interconnection of the five systems to achieve from spray glaze to sorting the automated production.
- The glazed area is equipped with a set of non-powered articulated arm system to realize the flexible teaching of the glaze glazing program, to reduce the teaching time of the new product glazing program and to improve the quality of the glaze.
- A total configuration of 700 meters of automated logistics and storage system blank, the maximum extent of the use of plant space, to achieve the factory product automatic transport and storage.